Frequently asked questions

How can we help you?

Want to check the status of your order? Want to know how to return a product? We can help.

How to check stock availability

  • Always check your desired product’s availability here on our website or in the SMART BUYERS app before you visit your local SMART BUYERS store. We update stock status for our products every few hours.
  • The best way to get the latest stock status is to visit the product page or listing pages of the item you are interested in and check its availability at your local SMART BUYERS store. When checking on our listing page, an indicator for your local store will display as well as possibility for delivery.
  • If the product you are looking for is out of stock at your local store, you can click on the ‘check other SMART BUYERS stores’ link to view inventory from our other locations.
  • You can also select ‘notify me’ and you will receive a communication from SMART BUYERS when your product is back in stock. Note that stock shipments are limited and tend to be purchased quickly, so we encourage you to use our click and collect service to secure the products you want or visit your local store first thing in the morning.
  • Products that show the status ‘Few in stock’ may not be available for purchase online because their limited stock level means we can’t guarantee that they will still be available at time of purchase.
  • Please note – the stock status you see online or in the SMART BUYERS app is the same information that our customer service co-workers have access to. If you need further support, please see the FAQ below or connect with us via Chat.
  • Before you visit be sure to download our shopping app – it is a great way to check out what SMART BUYERS has to offer and also to even check for stock while you are shopping in store!


If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.
If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.
If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.
If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.
If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.
If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.
If you’re receiving an error at check-out while placing your order, it’s possible the items in your cart are out of stock at our distribution center. Please note that standard online orders for delivery ship from one of our central warehouses based on your zip code and not our store locations, so it’s possible for availability to differ. For further information, you’re welcome to contact the SMART BUYERS US Customer Support Center at 1-888-888-4532.